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Chief: The Final Frontier

On 30th September 2023 HMRC are set to fully close the CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and export Freight), representing a significant change to how traders and border’s function and operate. This means that if you are an importer or exporter you need to make sure your business is prepared for the changes and that

Getting Ready For CDS: The New Customs Declaration Service.

HMRC are phasing out and replacing the system that is used for the handling of Import and export declarations.  The old system CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) has been in operation since 1994 and required significant improvements to cope with the increased entry requirements post-Brexit and beyond.   HMRC have developed a new

Sea vs Road vs Air freight – Which one is right for you?

The debate is on, which method of transportation is best suited for the expansion of your business when importing/exporting your goods. There are many factors to evaluate when determining how you are going to move your goods from one location to the next. Some of this may depend on where the countries you are exporting